
Aiko Mail

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A new year is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. Many people make resolutions to improve their lives, and one popular resolution is to become more productive, some want to get to “inbox zero.” This means having an empty inbox, or at least one that’s as close to empty as possible. The idea is that having a cluttered inbox can lead to feelings of stress and overwhelm, and can make it difficult to focus on important tasks. But achieving inbox zero can be a challenge, especially with the constant influx of new emails.

The best solution to this problem is to use the very visual kanban method, along with automation and a bit of AI. But how do you do this for your email?

Aiko Mail

Kanban boards allow users to organize their emails into different columns, such as “to do,” “done,” and “waiting on.” This makes it easy to see which emails need to be dealt with and which can be put off for later. Users can also create custom spaces for different types of emails, such as work and personal.

The board rules are also a powerful tool for achieving inbox zero. Users can create rules that automatically sort their emails into different boards based on criteria such as sender, subject, or keywords or intent (using AI). This means that important emails can be quickly and easily located, while less important ones can be moved to a separate board for later review.

The AI can even respond to emails on your behalf. This means you can quickly get through your inbox without having to spend hours manually sorting and responding to emails.

Turn this:
Into this:

In conclusion, achieving inbox zero is a great new year’s resolution, and Aiko Mail is a powerful tool that can help you achieve it. With its kanban boards, board rules, and AI capabilities, Aiko Mail can help you organize your emails, quickly locate important messages, and even respond to emails on your behalf. This means you can spend less time dealing with email and more time focusing on the things that matter.

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